Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 6 Wednesday

6.39-6.59 Padmasana/Mantra
-Initially, thoughts of my bowels drifted to work.  Then I began to use my mantra to replace any thought that arose, on to something here

7.45-9.33 am Hatha Yoga

-Janu Sirsasana Left, Right
-Pavritta Janu Sirsasana Left, Right
-Upavistha Konasana
(the above x3)

-Janusirsana with Ardhabaddhapadmasana Left, right

-Hands and knees Ardhadhanurasana Left, right
-Hands and knees Parvrittardhadhanurasana Left, right
-Uthitta Balasana

-High Lunge Left, Right
-Konasana Left, Right
-Pavrittatrikonasana Left, Right
-Lizard Posture (utthan pristhasana) Left, Right
-One armed Plank (6 breaths) Left, Right
-Chaturanga dandasana
-Vashishthasana variation with leg raise Left, Right
-Camatkarasana (wild thing) Left, Right

-Uthitta Tadasana
-Virabhadrasana 1 Left, Right
-Rotated Lateral Flank Left, Right
-One Armed Plank (6 breaths) Left, Right
-Chaturanga Dandasana
-Twisted Cobra (shashankpralasana)

-Agnisarkriya (standing, flapping on the last 3)
-Mayurasana (extended)

-Extended bridge
-Chakrasana x2
-Extended bridge
-Reclining twist

-Sirsasana (tilted on the forehead)
-Plough hands on feet
-Plough hands extended behind

-Suptapadangustasana Left, Right

- almost accidentally did one armed pigeon
-chakrasana is getting easier, why does that worry me?

11:00-1:20 Rite
Vijaya mantra, a cup of oolong tea (as an invocation to Chinnamasta)
Walk, collect photos return
Bow in Anjuli mudra to every female I pass

Greater Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram: sealed with a spoonful of honey

While walking I encountered the feces of what must have been a very sick animal.  It smelled awful and my immediate fear was of airborn diseases.  I said aloud, "that smells bad" and began to walk away.  There can be no aversion, so I walked back and smelled the unthinkable muck.

1:30-2:20 Sigil Writing (servitor)

9.17-10.02 MMM
-Shavasana, stillness, breathing, trying not to think
-The inhalation is quite easy to make slow and full, but the exhalation requires my full attention or it fits and starts in a staccato.  Lost concentration frequently.
-Common thoughts: "What will I do tomorrow" and "I need a new job"

10.06-10.26 Padmasana/mantra
-Left leg quite numb
-Focused really hard tonight, minimal breaks.  I noticed that when I had a subtle descent in energy (moses calls it a "slump"), as soon as  I noticed it, if I redoubled my effort just a bit and lifted my sternum by body became pleasantly numb.

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