Remember that no yoga posture had a name until the 1800s and many schools call various postures by completely different names
June 5th, Tuesday Day 1 of 182
7.24-7.44am Padmasana, Jnana Mudra, Mantra
-I noticed my bowels had not completely evacuated
7.45-9.33am Hatha yoga: Practice Structure: Each posture held for 10 breaths unless noted
-Janu Sirsasana Left, Right
-Pavritta Janu Sirsasana Left, Right
-Upavistha Konasana
(the above x3)
-Baddha Padmasana right side
-Janusirsana with Ardhabaddhapadmasana Left, right
-Hands and knees Ardhadhanurasana Left, right
-Hands and knees Parvrittardhadhanurasana Left, right
-Uthitta Balasana
-High Lunge Left, Right
-Konasana Left, Right
-Pavrittatrikonasana Left, Right
-Lizard Posture (utthan pristhasana) Left, Right
-One armed Plank (6 breaths) Left, Right
-Chaturanga dandasana
-Vashishthasana variation with leg raise Left, Right
-Camatkarasana (wild thing) Left, Right
-Uthitta Tadasana
-Virabhadrasana 1 Left, Right
-Rotated Lateral Flank Left, Right
-One Armed Plank (6 breaths) Left, Right
-Chaturanga Dandasana
-Twisted Cobra (shashankpralasana)
-Agnisarkriya (standing, flapping on the last 3)
-Mayurasana (extended)
-Extended bridge
-Chakrasana x2
-Extended bridge
-Reclining twist
-Sirsasana (tilted on the forehead)
-Plough hands on feet
-Plough hands extended behind
-Suptapadangustasana Left, Right
-During Warrior 1 I noticed my old injury sire, was stiff during twisted cobra there
-While tilting forward in headstand I had a moment of pure balance where I could have lifted my hands, which frightened me.
I feel tangled today, only 6 hours of sleep last night. Finding design jobs to apply to that are related to the work, a definite result.
I feel like my brain is struggling to keep up and perform all of its new tasks
Trends: I ching
Hexagram 3, Chun Difficulty at the beginning, moving to:
Hexagram 24, Fu: clear passage
7 days...something good. Diviniation, so vague, feels like I'm pointed in the right direction.
[Blood Clouds]
A child wanted to be my buddy and help me clean up today.
9.05-9.51 pm ~45 minutes
Liber MMM
Motionlessness + Breathing
Laid on the floor next to the bed in Shavasana after a few minutes began deep breathing. Occasionally lost in reverie about hopes and fears about potential job, this happened when I lost track of my breath.
Some limited interruption, noises caused by other people in the room. I persisted. Sometimes my eyes stopped moving around in my head.
Attempted "no thinking", ver tricky
10.00-10.20 Padmasana/mantra
Related results post
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